21.03.24 Community

Community leadership panel on climate and just transition is open for submissions

The Community Leadership Panel on Climate Change and Just Transition, developed as part of the Community Climate Action Project, is now open to submissions for the next panel session on 26 June 2024. The panel meets quarterly to review strategic policies and projects and to ensure community perspectives shape and influence local climate decision-making and action early in the process.

The types of initiatives that come to the panel are strategic and citywide (or regional), and at a timely point in their development so the panel can influence decisions. Examples from previous panels include the West of England Nature Recovery Strategy, Bristol City Leap Community Energy Fund and the Keep Bristol Cool Framework.

Those working on strategic climate related policy and projects in the city are encouraged to apply, by completing a short expression of interest form. The deadline for submissions for the June panel session is 15 May 2024.

The panel is made up of leaders of independent community organisations who bring diverse insights and lived experiences and who can amplify and advocate for the priorities of their communities. It complements other climate expert groups in the city such as the Bristol Advisory Committee on Climate Change, by bringing a climate justice lens to strategic thinking and planning around climate and nature.

Panel members are predominately those who have been involved in the first round of the Community Climate Action Project and who have codeveloped community climate action plans with their communities. They are joined by associate panel members with expertise and lived experience of Disability and race equity. Panel membership is expected to grow as members of the project’s learning and mentoring programme join with an emphasis on ensuring diversity of those currently unrepresented in city decision-making.

The Community Climate Action Project, coordinated by Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership and funded by the National Lottery Community Fund’s Climate Action Fund, aims to put community leadership and just transition at the heart of citywide and local action on climate and inequality.


Find out more about the Community Climate Action Project

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Community Leadership Panel