Just transition

Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership is committed to championing a response to the climate crisis that has equality and fairness at its heart, and to threading it through our activities and the way we work.

Graphic of two people and sunshine

Putting people at the heart of climate and nature action

The climate and nature crises are not just about the environment – they are a social crisis too, and we believe it is vital to tackle them together. There is a huge opportunity for bold, transformative climate and nature action to reduce, rather than exacerbate inequalities, and to improve the quality of life for people locally and globally. This requires ensuring that diverse communities and those most affected by climate and nature breakdown are able to shape our response.

Image © Eastside Community Trust

Read our just transition statement of intent

The Partnership published a statement of intent marking our commitment to a just transition.


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Community Leadership Panel on Climate and Just Transition

The Community Leadership Panel on Climate Change and Just Transition as part of our Community Climate Action project is designed to ensure community expertise and insight is included and valued in climate decision-making.



Community Leadership Panel